123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249 |
- #pragma semicolon 1
- #include <sourcemod>
- #include <sdkhooks>
- #include <sdktools>
- #include <dhooks>
- #pragma newdecls required
- #include <stocksoup/color_literals>
- #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.0"
- public Plugin myinfo = {
- name = "[TF2] TFAFKBot",
- author = "nosoop",
- description = "TFBots conjoined to human players.",
- version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
- url = "localhost"
- }
- Handle g_AllocatePlayerBotEntity;
- Handle g_SDKCallPEntityOfEntIndex, g_SDKCallNextBotFakeClient;
- Handle g_DHookProcessUsercmd, g_DHookPlayerIsBot, g_DHookNextBotFakeClient;
- static bool g_bInBotPhysicsSimulate[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
- static bool g_bIsIdleBot[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
- public void OnPluginStart() {
- Handle hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile("tf2.afkbot");
- if (!hGameConf) {
- SetFailState("Failed to load gamedata (tf2.afkbot).");
- }
- StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Static);
- PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "CTFBot::AllocatePlayerEntity()");
- PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
- PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_String, SDKPass_Pointer);
- g_AllocatePlayerBotEntity = EndPrepSDKCall();
- if (!g_AllocatePlayerBotEntity) {
- SetFailState("Failed to create SDKCall for function CTFBot::AllocatePlayerEntity()");
- }
- StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Static);
- PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "EDICT_NUM()");
- PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
- PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo(SDKType_PlainOldData, SDKPass_Plain);
- g_SDKCallPEntityOfEntIndex = EndPrepSDKCall();
- Handle dt_ClientPutInServer = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "ClientPutInServer()");
- DHookEnableDetour(dt_ClientPutInServer, false, OnClientPutInServerPre);
- Handle dt_BotUpdate = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "NextBotPlayer<CTFPlayer>::Update()");
- DHookEnableDetour(dt_BotUpdate, false, OnBotUpdate);
- Handle dt_BotEntPhysicsSimulate = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "CTFBot::PhysicsSimulate()");
- DHookEnableDetour(dt_BotEntPhysicsSimulate, false, OnBotEntPhysicsSimulate);
- DHookEnableDetour(dt_BotEntPhysicsSimulate, true, OnBotEntPhysicsSimulatePost);
- g_DHookProcessUsercmd = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "CBasePlayer::ProcessUsercmds()");
- g_DHookPlayerIsBot = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "CBasePlayer::IsBot()");
- g_DHookNextBotFakeClient = DHookCreateFromConf(hGameConf, "NextBotPlayer<CTFPlayer>::IsFakeClient()");
- StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Player);
- PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Virtual, "NextBotPlayer<CTFPlayer>::IsFakeClient()");
- PrepSDKCall_SetReturnInfo(SDKType_Bool, SDKPass_Plain);
- g_SDKCallNextBotFakeClient = EndPrepSDKCall();
- delete hGameConf;
- RegConsoleCmd("sm_afkbot", ToggleAFKBot);
- }
- public void OnPluginEnd() {
- for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
- if (IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i)) {
- SetClientPrediction(i, true);
- }
- }
- }
- public Action ToggleAFKBot(int client, int argc) {
- if (!IsPlayerNextBot(client)) {
- ReplyToCommand(client, "No underlying bot logic available. Reconnecting...");
- ClientCommand(client, "retry");
- return Plugin_Handled;
- }
- g_bIsIdleBot[client] = !g_bIsIdleBot[client];
- SetClientPrediction(client, !g_bIsIdleBot[client]);
- PrintColoredChatEx(client, CHAT_SOURCE_SELF, COLOR_TEAM ... "Beep boop (%d).",
- g_bIsIdleBot[client]);
- return Plugin_Handled;
- }
- public void OnMapStart() {
- for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
- if (IsClientInGame(i)) {
- OnClientPutInServer(i);
- }
- }
- }
- public MRESReturn OnClientPutInServerPre(Handle hParams) {
- int client = DHookGetParam(hParams, 1);
- char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- DHookGetParamString(hParams, 2, name, sizeof(name));
- AllocatePlayerBotEntity(client, name);
- SetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_szNetname", name);
- SetEntityFlags(client, GetEntityFlags(client) & ~FL_FAKECLIENT);
- PrintToServer("[afkbot] ocpis");
- return MRES_Supercede;
- }
- public void OnClientPutInServer(int client) {
- if (!IsFakeClient(client)) {
- DHookEntity(g_DHookProcessUsercmd, false, client, .callback = OnPlayerProcessUsercmds);
- DHookEntity(g_DHookPlayerIsBot, false, client, .callback = OnPlayerIsBot);
- DHookEntity(g_DHookNextBotFakeClient, false, client, .callback = OnPlayerIsFakeClient);
- g_bIsIdleBot[client] = false;
- }
- }
- public MRESReturn OnBotUpdate(int client) {
- if (!IsFakeClient(client) && !g_bIsIdleBot[client]) {
- return MRES_Supercede;
- }
- return MRES_Ignored;
- }
- public MRESReturn OnBotEntPhysicsSimulate(int client) {
- g_bInBotPhysicsSimulate[client] = true;
- return MRES_Ignored;
- }
- public MRESReturn OnBotEntPhysicsSimulatePost(int client) {
- g_bInBotPhysicsSimulate[client] = false;
- return MRES_Ignored;
- }
- public MRESReturn OnPlayerProcessUsercmds(int client, Handle hParams) {
- return (g_bInBotPhysicsSimulate[client] == g_bIsIdleBot[client]) || !IsPlayerAlive(client)?
- MRES_Ignored : MRES_Supercede;
- }
- static bool s_bGetTrueFakeClientResult;
- stock bool IsPlayerNextBot(int client) {
- s_bGetTrueFakeClientResult = true;
- bool result = SDKCall(g_SDKCallNextBotFakeClient, client);
- s_bGetTrueFakeClientResult = false;
- return result;
- }
- public MRESReturn OnPlayerIsFakeClient(int client, Handle hReturn) {
- if (s_bGetTrueFakeClientResult) {
- return MRES_Ignored;
- }
- DHookSetReturn(hReturn, g_bIsIdleBot[client]);
- return MRES_Supercede;
- }
- public MRESReturn OnPlayerIsBot(int client, Handle hReturn) {
- DHookSetReturn(hReturn, false);
- return MRES_Supercede;
- }
- void AllocatePlayerBotEntity(int client, const char[] name) {
- Address pEdict = SDKCall(g_SDKCallPEntityOfEntIndex, client);
- SDKCall(g_AllocatePlayerBotEntity, pEdict, name);
- }
- void SetClientPrediction(int client, bool bPrediction) {
- FindConVar("sv_client_predict").ReplicateToClient(client, bPrediction? "-1" : "0");
- SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_bLagCompensation", bPrediction);
- SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_bPredictWeapons", bPrediction);
- }