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Refire team select panels if on cooldown

nosoop há 3 anos atrás
2 ficheiros alterados com 44 adições e 3 exclusões
  1. 4 2
  2. 40 1

+ 4 - 2

@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ select menu.
 The issue (as far as I'm personally aware) is described at [ValveSoftware/Source-1-Games#3651][].
-The fix involves a delayed resending of the team select panel if the player attempted to join a
-team while the command was on cooldown.
+The fix involves a delayed resending of the team select panel if:
+- the player attempted to join a team while the command was on cooldown, and
+- the server attempts to send one to a player while they are on cooldown

+ 40 - 1

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #pragma newdecls required
-#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.0"
+#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.1.0"
 public Plugin myinfo = {
 	name = "[CSRD] `jointeam` Fix",
 	author = "nosoop",
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ public void OnPluginStart() {
 	tf_arena_use_queue = FindConVar("tf_arena_use_queue");
 	AddCommandListener(OnClientJoinTeam, "jointeam");
+	UserMsg vguiMessage = GetUserMessageId("VGUIMenu");
+	HookUserMessage(vguiMessage, OnVGUIMenuPreSent, true);
@@ -53,6 +56,42 @@ Action OnClientJoinTeam(int client, const char[] command, int argc) {
 	return Plugin_Continue;
+ * Intercepts attempts to transmit the team select panel to a client, delaying transmission if
+ * the player is unassigned and on cooldown.
+ */
+Action OnVGUIMenuPreSent(UserMsg vguiMessage, BfRead buffer, const int[] players,
+		int nPlayers, bool reliable, bool init) {
+	// vgui usermessages are expected to only have a single recipient
+	if (nPlayers != 1) {
+		return Plugin_Continue;
+	}
+	char name[128];
+	buffer.ReadString(name, sizeof(name));
+	if (!StrEqual(name, "arenateampanel") && !StrEqual(name, "team")) {
+		return Plugin_Continue;
+	}
+	int client = players[0];
+	if (GetClientTeam(client)) {
+		return Plugin_Continue;
+	}
+	float flNextAllowedTeamChange = GetEntDataFloat(client,
+			offs_CTFPlayer_flNextTimeAllowTeamChange);
+	if (flNextAllowedTeamChange > GetGameTime()) {
+		// we're not allowed to change teams right now --
+		// silently block the attempt then redisplay once the cooldown is over
+		CreateTimer(0.1 + flNextAllowedTeamChange - GetGameTime(), RedisplayTeamSelectMenu,
+				GetClientSerial(client), TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
+		return Plugin_Handled;
+	}
+	return Plugin_Continue;
  * Redisplay the team select panel.