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Automated Data Dumper

Utility plugin to dump game netprops and datamaps for further processing.

When a required update is detected (i.e., the game's master server requests a restart), the plugin writes a file indicating that the plugin should dump useful engine information on the next startup (after the update).

Saves information into data/datadump under the SourceMod directory, using the NetworkPatch version in the game directory's steam.inf file.

Currently dumps the following information:

  • SourceMod-included dump files: sm_dump_datamaps, sm_dump_netprops, sm_dump_tempents
  • Custom dump functions that also dump ConVars and ConCommands into separate CSV files. Newlines in the description are replaced with forward slashes, double quotes are replaced with single quotes, and the default values for each ConVar are saved (instead of using the current values as the built-in cvarlist does.
  • Additional support for usermessages and ETFCond names.

It also updates data/datadump/.server-version with the newest server version, allowing programs that monitor the filesystem to start processing the dumps.

A "CSRD Internal" Plugin

This is a plugin mainly intended for use in Pikachu's Canadian Server of Romance and Drama.

While I'm happy if you find some useful code for your own plugins, I can't provide any support for said code, nor will I offer any guarantees that the plugin will remain usable outside of its main use.