فهرست منبع

Alter bot messages

I already have BOT on the bot names, no point in duplicating it.
nosoop 6 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه16 افزوده شده و 5 حذف شده
  1. 16 5

+ 16 - 5

@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@
 #include <tf2>
 #include <tf2_stocks>
+#include <printvalvetranslation>
 #pragma newdecls required
-#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.3.7"
+#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.3.8"
 public Plugin myinfo = {
 	name = "[TF2] Bot Manager",
 	author = "nosoop (forked from Dr. McKay)",
 	description = "Allows for customization of TFBots",
 	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
-	url = "http://csrd.science"
+	url = "http://csrd.science/"
 ConVar cvarBotQuota;
@@ -297,7 +299,12 @@ public Action Event_PlayerDisconnect(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBr
 	if (IsFakeClient(client)) {
 		event.BroadcastDisabled = true;
-		PrintToChatAll("\x01BOT \x07%06X%N \x01has left the game", GetTeamColor(GetClientTeam(client)), client);
+		char botDisplay[128];
+		Format(botDisplay, sizeof(botDisplay), "\x07%06X%N\x01",
+					GetTeamColor(GetClientTeam(client)), client);
+		PrintValveTranslationToAll(Destination_Chat, "game_player_left_game", botDisplay,
+				"TF_Scoreboard_Bot");
 	return Plugin_Continue;
@@ -313,9 +320,13 @@ public Action Event_PlayerTeam(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcas
 		if ((pos = joiningBots.FindValue(GetClientUserId(client))) != -1) {
-			PrintToServer("BOT %N has joined the game", client);
-			PrintToChatAll("\x01BOT \x07%06X%N \x01has joined the game",
+			PrintToServer("%N (BOT) has joined the game", client);
+			char botDisplay[128];
+			Format(botDisplay, sizeof(botDisplay), "\x07%06X%N\x01",
 					GetTeamColor(event.GetInt("team")), client);
+			PrintValveTranslationToAll(Destination_Chat, "game_player_joined_game", botDisplay);
 	return Plugin_Continue;