# TF2 Schema Page Renderer Set of scripts to generate no-frills HTML pages for Team Fortress 2 item information. In memory of optf2. I host semi up-to-date renders for [items](https://csrd.science/misc/econ-tf/items.html) and [attributes](https://csrd.science/misc/econ-tf/attributes.html). ## Configuration The scripts require the [chevron][] library. Create a `config.ini` value with the below contents, populating the values as appropriate (values are unquoted): ``` [DEFAULT] key = YOUR_STEAM_API_KEY_HERE language = en ``` Run `python3 tf_attr_list.py` to generate `attributes.html`; `python3 tf_item_list.py` to generate `items.html`. The scripts will fetch the latest version of the schema on each run. [chevron]: https://github.com/noahmorrison/chevron ## License and Credits The scripts are released under the 2-Clause BSD License. [chevron][] is an implementation of the mustache templating language. It is released under the MIT License. [tablesort](https://github.com/tristen/tablesort) is used to provide optional sorting functionality to the tables. It is released under the MIT License.