#include "econmanager.h" #include CEconManager g_EconManager; // pointer to item schema attribute map singleton using AttributeMap = CUtlMap; AttributeMap *g_SchemaAttributes; size_t g_nAutoAttributeBase = 4000; std::map g_AutoNumberedAttributes; typedef uintptr_t (*GetEconItemSchema_fn)(void); GetEconItemSchema_fn fnGetEconItemSchema = nullptr; // https://www.unknowncheats.me/wiki/Calling_Functions_From_Injected_Library_Using_Function_Pointers_in_C%2B%2B #ifdef WIN32 typedef bool (__thiscall *CEconItemAttributeInitFromKV_fn)(CEconItemAttributeDefinition* pThis, KeyValues* pAttributeKeys, CUtlVector* pErrors); #elif defined(_LINUX) typedef bool (__cdecl *CEconItemAttributeInitFromKV_fn)(CEconItemAttributeDefinition* pThis, KeyValues* pAttributeKeys, CUtlVector* pErrors); #endif CEconItemAttributeInitFromKV_fn fnItemAttributeInitFromKV = nullptr; bool CEconManager::Init(char *error, size_t maxlength) { // get the base address of the server { #if _WINDOWS fnGetEconItemSchema = reinterpret_cast(sm_memutils->FindPattern(server, "\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x83\xC0\x04\xC3", 9)); fnItemAttributeInitFromKV = reinterpret_cast(sm_memutils->FindPattern(server, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x53\x8B\x5D\x08\x56\x8B\xF1\x8B\xCB\x57\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A", 18)); #elif _LINUX Dl_info info; if (dladdr(server, &info) == 0) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "dladdr failed"); return 0; } void *handle = dlopen(info.dli_fname, RTLD_NOW); if (!handle) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to dlopen server."); return 0; } fnGetEconItemSchema = reinterpret_cast(sm_memutils->ResolveSymbol(handle, "_Z15GEconItemSchemav")); fnItemAttributeInitFromKV = reinterpret_cast(sm_memutils->ResolveSymbol(handle, "_ZN28CEconItemAttributeDefinition11BInitFromKVEP9KeyValuesP10CUtlVectorI10CUtlString10CUtlMemoryIS3_iEE")); dlclose(handle); #endif } if (fnGetEconItemSchema == nullptr) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to setup call to GetEconItemSchema()"); return false; } else if (fnItemAttributeInitFromKV == nullptr) { snprintf(error, maxlength, "Failed to setup call to CEconItemAttributeDefinition::BInitFromKV"); return false; } // is this late enough in the MM:S load stage? we might just have to hold the function g_SchemaAttributes = reinterpret_cast(fnGetEconItemSchema() + 0x1BC); return true; } /** * Initializes a CEconItemAttributeDefinition from a KeyValues definition, then inserts or * replaces the appropriate entry in the schema. */ bool CEconManager::InsertOrReplaceAttribute(KeyValues *pAttribKV) { const char* attrID = pAttribKV->GetName(); const char* attrName = pAttribKV->GetString("name"); int attrdef; if (strcmp(attrID, "auto") == 0) { /** * Have the plugin automatically allocate an attribute ID. * - if the name is already mapped to an ID, then use that * - otherwise, continue to increment our counter until we find an unused one */ auto search = g_AutoNumberedAttributes.find(attrName); if (search != g_AutoNumberedAttributes.end()) { attrdef = search->second; } else { while (g_SchemaAttributes->Find(g_nAutoAttributeBase) != g_SchemaAttributes->InvalidIndex()) { g_nAutoAttributeBase++; } attrdef = g_nAutoAttributeBase; g_AutoNumberedAttributes[attrName] = attrdef; } } else { attrdef = atoi(attrID); if (attrdef <= 0) { META_CONPRINTF("Attribute '%s' has invalid index string '%s'\n", attrName, attrID); return false; } } // only replace existing injected attributes; fail on schema attributes auto existingIndex = g_SchemaAttributes->Find(attrdef); if (existingIndex != g_SchemaAttributes->InvalidIndex()) { auto &existingAttr = g_SchemaAttributes->Element(existingIndex); if (!existingAttr.m_KeyValues->GetBool("injected")) { META_CONPRINTF("WARN: Not overriding native attribute '%s'\n", existingAttr.m_pszName); return false; } } // embed additional custom data into attribute KV; econdata and the like can deal with this // one could also add this data into the file itself, but this leaves less room for error pAttribKV->SetBool("injected", true); CEconItemAttributeDefinition def; fnItemAttributeInitFromKV(&def, pAttribKV, nullptr); // TODO verify that this doesn't leak, or just shrug it off g_SchemaAttributes->InsertOrReplace(attrdef, def); return true; } bool CEconManager::RegisterAttribute(KeyValues* pAttribKV) { KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues(pAttribKV->GetName()); pAttribKV->CopySubkeys(pKV); AutoKeyValues kv{pKV}; std::string attrName = kv->GetString("name"); this->m_RegisteredAttributes[attrName] = std::move(kv); return true; } void CEconManager::InstallAttributes() { META_CONPRINTF("Installing attributes...\n"); for (const auto& pair : m_RegisteredAttributes) { META_CONPRINTF("Getting attribute (%p)\n", (void *) pair.second.m_pKeyValues); META_CONPRINTF("Installing attribute '%s'\n", pair.second->GetString("name")); InsertOrReplaceAttribute(pair.second); } }