# Soldier Statue Spawner A basic plugin to spawn the Rick May tribute statues at manually-defined locations. ## Configuration Create an SQLite database at `addons/sourcemod/data/sqlite/soldier_statues.sq3`, initializing the table by running the following query: ``` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST locations ( map TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, xpos REAL, ypos REAL, zpos REAL, pitchang REAL, yawang REAL, rollang REAL ); ``` Then install the plugin. The plugin will automatically spawn a statue (or teleport an existing one) into locations you specify. Only when the Soldier memorial holiday is active, of course. ## Commands `csrd_statue_place_aim` places the statue at where you are aiming. The statue is positioned so it's facing towards you and has a pitch angle towards your feet. This position is saved to the database, replacing one with a matching map name. `csrd_statue_reload` reloads the position from the database. Used when manually editing the position with a database editor. ## A "CSRD Internal" Plugin This is a plugin mainly intended for use in [Pikachu's Canadian Server of Romance and Drama][csrd]. While I'm happy if you find some useful code for your own plugins, I can't provide any support for said code, nor will I offer any guarantees that the plugin will remain usable outside of its main use. [csrd]: https://csrd.science/